We are a family-run business, a company of artisans. The current enterprise is an off shoot of the company founded by our family at the end of the 50s.

In 1989 our parents, Graziano Pimpinelli and Prassede Gialletti founded, together with us, Silvia and Marco, the current company whose logo is made up of the two simple letters of their names and surnames: G & P di Gialletti and Pimpinelli. This is the representation of our family.

We are a family-run business, a company of artisans. The current enterprise is an off shoot of the company founded by our family at the end of the 50s.

In 1989 our parents, Graziano Piminelli and Prassede Gialletti founded, together with us, Silvia and Marco, the current company whose logo is made up of the two simple letters of their names and surnames: G & P di Gialletti and Pimpinelli. This is the representation of our family.

The aim, immediately realised, was to continue the production of exclusive and unique ceramics that would stand out for the quality and sophistication the pieces and their decoration. All our products are scrupulously hand made according to the time-honoured traditions of Deruta, an ancient town famous the world over for its production of ornamental and household majolica.

Our father, Graziano is the artist of the family. He is a talented painter whose works have always formed the most important collections at G&P. Still today he actively participates in the life of the company with all the enthusiasm of youth.
Our mother, Prassede, dedicated much of her life to managing our clients, the warehouse and shipping, but now she has retired to home life and managing family affairs.
We, Silvia and Marco, grew up breathing in the air of our artisan workshops where, between clay, glazes and paints we were able to learn the basics of our craft. After our studies we decided to work alongside our parents in managing the company and now, almost thirty years later we are still here carrying on their dream. My brother, Marco, looks after administration and client relations whereas I, Silvia, follow in the footsteps of my father and take care of the creative side of the business.
Marco’s wife, Suzanne, is an important part of the business as she takes meticulous care of the warehouse and shipping.

Our success so far could not have happened without the able and experienced hands of our artisans Tiziana, Augusta, Natascia, Catiuscia, Samanta and Simone who over time have grown within the company and taken on specialised roles. Today they are on a journey with us to carry forward the traditions of this noble art.
And so, with our team, using age-old techniques together with the assiduous study of ancient and modern art we create our classic and modern collections for stylish rooms.

The distinguishing features of our company can be found in the handcrafting, masterfully done by our ceramists; the care given to the creation of every single piece, from casting to decoration; the firing, slowly, without leaving anything to chance; and our signature indelibly impressed into every piece. These are the details that ensure our products are in the best display windows in Italy and many foreign countries, such as the United States of America but also Canada, Russia, the Ukraine, Bahrain, Taiwan, Japan.

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